Sunday, November 29, 2009
甲:你年薪多少?乙:800万.甲:那一个月有80万哦!乙:是的,这是基本工资.甲:不错嘛,做什么的?乙:做梦的......1、"代沟"就是我问老爸觉得"菊花台"怎么样,他说没喝过2、"自恋"就是下辈子我一定要投胎做女人,然后嫁个象我这样的男人3、"无语"就是法官问:你为什么印假钞? 罪犯说:真钞我不会印。4、"绝望"就是饭馆吃饭点了两菜,吃第一个:"世上还有比这更难吃的吗?!"吃第二个"靠!还真有!5、"崩溃"就是,一位老太太走进KFC,对服务员说:我要一个肯德基,一个麦当劳,还要一个比萨。6、"白领"- 今天发了薪水,还了贷款,交了房租、水电煤气费,买了油、米和泡面,摸摸口袋剩下的钱,感叹一声:这月工资又白领了。7、"蓝领" - 工头说快到发工资的时间了,一算自己的住宿费,伙食费,误工费,医药费,还欠老板100多,也就懒得去领了,叫蓝领.I know joshua cant even understand 2 of the jokes above, but for the benefit of the others who understand them.
Remember laughter's the best medicine!
(2:57 PM)
Friday, November 27, 2009
I don't mind does not mean i don't care
(12:30 PM)
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Making the best use of whatever that comes to youSo far life in the army has been great. Where else can you find a organisation that gives u lodging, food, train u and gives an allowance of $1.20 (REC) per hour. Haha. But of course the ultimate aim is to get us physically fit and mentally prepared and not be free fag when hostility occur.Training's been progessive. PASSED MY CHIN-UPS 1st time ever.. wahaha.. Never gonna let it deteriorate unlike my 2.4... From 11.50 - 11.15 - 10.50 and to the most recent one i tink shld be 11 plus.. Haii.. But i'ill just hav to make good use of whatever that comes. Hope i can get into a vocation that is able to challenge myself further and bring out my inner potential... Wahahha Big difference of BMT in Unit and pulau tekong... Hehehe
(6:08 PM)