Saturday, July 26, 2008
BOooO Here with a short post,'Humans fall because they have to learn how to pick themself up.' Just here to remind people that difficulties, rejections faced are just part of life. Let all this obstacles be a stepping stone for us to achieve greater heights!Gonna start school soon around august. Heard that theres 60% foreigners in the school.. EEE haha. It's alright. It's a choice i made. What about you people reading my blog? Do you know what are you goin for in your life? Don't let the dream-stealers steal away your lovely dreams. Dream on and fight hard for your goals!Cheers!
(4:17 AM)
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Your Personality Style Description:Relationships play a key role in zhiliang's life, he tends to be a very trusting individual, he enjoys making new friends and developing new relationships. He often finds himself involved in many things at once and loves social functions. zhiliang enjoys encouraging those around him. People see him as a person who frequently inspires others.Neat and orderly, others usually see zhiliang as practical. He needs adequate information to make decisions, and he will consider the pros and cons. He may be sensitive to criticism, and will tend to internalize his emotions. zhiliang likes to clarify expectations before undertaking new projects, and he will follow a logical process to gain successful results.Recognizing the value of a good relationship, zhiliang is very patient and caring when relating to others. He is even-paced; and zhiliang usually remains calm and relaxed, even in situations that may ruffle some others. He likes the role of a peacemaker, when working through problems, zhiliang tries to rely on successful strategies that have proven results.zhiliang would prefer things stay the same, rather than to risk a new venture (unless it is proven and true). He is typically peaceful and low key, and is usually seen by those around him as a good friend and listener. He tends to adopt a "wait and see" attitude about things, rather than taking charge of a situation, usually preferring to let others take the lead.Try it out here: https://secure.motivationalliving.com/user_signup_freetrial.asp
(4:38 AM)