Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Sagittarius, the ArcherNovember 22 - December 21Sagittarians are the honest and straightforward members of the zodiac. As a Sagittarius, you are spontaneous, outgoing, adventurous, and adaptable to any circumstance. You have a tendency to create excitement wherever you go, and enjoy exploring new ideas, cultures and beliefs, and meeting new people in your excursions to new places. You may be a lover of nature and the great outdoors and enjoy exploring your surroundings. Out of this may grow a preference for animals rather than humans.
A need for personal freedom and a desire to be a leader also stem from your determined personality. Knowing this, your job is something that you must enjoy and have a bit of leverage with or else you won't do it. At work, you like to be given responsibility, and when you're working hard at a project you enjoy your job. However, when given a menial task to do, your attention can stray. You are likely to live in, or end up living in, a spacious, well-decorate home that contains all of your acquisitions. The size of their living quarters is in direct relation to the fact that in order for Sagittarians to be happy, they must have their own, personal space.
You take great interest in people and society, and in ethical and spiritual matters. You may tend to be a serious thinker, but you are prone to jumping to conclusions, and the Sagittarian can end up rather narrow-minded if his or her social thinking is not fully developed.
Although you're not quite sure of relationships, when you do find a partner, he or she will most likely be intelligent, undemanding, warm, and funny with a life of his or her own. Overall, the Sagittarian is a person with high standards who is pleasant, friendly, enthusiastic, and easy to get to know.
(10:11 PM)
Monday, May 28, 2007
WEEheheIts the GSS!!, went walk walk with chun ming, marco and then karyn joined us later on.. Tink we met too late, so ended up walkin onli wisma and fareast... Din buy anythin, cannot so cao shuai haha.. Goin back again on Friday.. hehek.. Actually i haf bout 60 plus, save another 10 plus can buy a jeans le, bu chi bu jue de $$ become 30.. woa... guniang de lo.. haha
Lol... guess wad we're comaparing... Marcus's actl taller den me, but he slouch abit.. Haha.. we comparing the length of our legs.. hehe -.-''
(12:27 AM)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Housepour VOCant tink of any better title... haha.. Went out yesterday with some of my classmates, it was fun nervetheless. We went to marina south fer dinner, supposed to meet 5.45, but u all know la zhiliang wher gt punctual de.. hahak
So wen xin and i reached at 6 plus, met up with e rest den we walked to the arcade nearby.. Din know daryl was such a pro gamer la.. he basically like memorise wher/when the enemies will come out while playin house of the dead 4, and he played alone.. haha.. I've nvr have the habit of goin to arcades, mayb occasionally.. Most of the time will stone inside.. haha

Alright, apparently even this was faked..
Den we eat eat, enjoy, 'gossip', disturb, drink, cooked and did whatever we could during a steamboat dinner.. hahak.. Chai qin was commenting that she was so bright while sitting in the middle of ahem hem ahem.. ya.. Din expect the gurls to eat alot, but they seriously eat veri little.. haha.. Mayb we can go some other places that's more suitable fer them the next time.
A small group of them went home earlier, leaving me, karyn, chai qin, nic, james and wen xin... We walked pratically to holland(lost), before goin the right way and den decided on gettin some drinks.. yea.. So we drank, played pool and bla bla bla... Spent quite alot.. The taxi fare, $24 bucks... shagged. haha.. Wads most impt is dat i enjoyed myself, i'm sure de others did too, someone was feeling extremely down la.. Dun even know wad i can do to help her.. Hope for more outings like this, if onli those notes in my wallet stay intact.. haha
(11:10 PM)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
StUcKThat's exactly how my life is right now... And when all the preassure of homework and exams start piling in, juz remove the 't' from my title and dat's how i would feel then...Soo boorish la my life now.. like having the same routine over and over.. (classes, eat den library) Hafto get myself a life la. Lessons mostly quite bored eh, always looking at the time waiting fer it to end. Not one lesson I simply enjoy going. Mayb apel? Therefore i'm really goin to find one sub i simply like when i choosing the CDS. The lessons simply bored dao we have to disturb the girls to pass time laz... Den kenna scolded by the girls somemore.. AHEM hem.. hahak...I'm still in contact with my sec sch frds, but i feel we're nt as close as compared to last time.. Or is it juz me feeling it this way? Lookin at all their MSN nicks. Most are complaning like they nvr before.. hah.. Miss those old times.. And my life at TP is juz about to get worse? Its like i'm having two maths now la, so jia lat.. As usual i'm having the deficiency in maths, flunk the first quiz and mr victor (the teacher whom propelled my maths from f9 to b4 in sec sch) told me nt to go and find him whatever the case.. haha... ~prayin man~ seriously ~PRAYIN~
(8:57 PM)
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Well, I'm afraid if i don't start blogging, there's a high chance of me forgetting my pw.
Grr, talking about that, there's a assignment i'm supposed to do at ole.bb
Skali when i wanna log in and do then forgotten my id and pw..
Still half-adjusting to poly life...
Running out of clothes, quite hassling eh, everyday must think of what to wear.
Worst still my mum who stay's at home all day long happy happy iron, nt happy den ~
Spent alot recently on lan gaming, gonna curb that spendthrift mindset.
Budden ar, if it can bond me and my classmates together as well as catch up with some of my old frds den y not.. hahak.. The money meant for me to buy apel, i used it on playing lan games.. "-"
(11:09 PM)