Saturday, October 14, 2006
Time sure Flies......Yesterday was graduation day, its sure fun... with de balloons decor, the bracelets, de speeches, de entrance songs.. hahak.. Haiz.. we actually planned to do a stylio- milo funky entrance, skali cock-up... haiyo...
But im having mixed feelings as well, we're now de EX-students of juyuan.... cant believe dat.. 4 yrs have jus fly past juz like dat... I still remember de first day i came into dis sch.. very much of a nerd den...
HaHak.... Mr ihsan yadiy brought me out of de stranger land during sec 1.... Along with wahab, derrick, xiong sheng and timonthy... These guys made dat yr a veri memorable one
Sec 2... still as enjoyable.... (Ok, dats actually de yr my maths deteriorate dat badly)
<----OMG, this foto sure sux..HaHak.. sec 3... which is my current crop of classmates... I remember pissing off a fantastic superb chinese teacher.. hahak... Thinking of dat, dat incident realli bonded us together... If onli we knew much betta bout de O lvl's and make preparations like wad subjects to focus on.. This yr would be a much simpler and smooth journey.. SECONDARY 4......
We've finally GRADUATED!!! As i emphasised again....5-10 yrs down de road.. we will definitely miss our secondary school life... The playin of pranks on teachers, de excitement of goin out on excursions, de feeling of being tekan during Ncc, the moaning and groaning when we haf to go back during june holidays to get out artefact done..... Haiz... unforgettable.... im gonna share some of de phots taken yesterday.. Will upload de others once i got em....
My funky classmates.. will miss em!!!!!
hahak!!!!!! fun fun and more fun
Haha... i tink shes de fifth or sixth girl to kenna hit on de head by mie.. haha... WE both look so candid...
Hahk.. i had to accomadate her height, which make me look so WEird...
BA TENG BA TENG!!!!! she rox!!!
HAhak... dats de teacher i was toking about in de sec 3 column... A model chinese teacher!!!!!! two thumbs-up fer her!!!! And let us now work hard for de O lvls.... No regrets we shall make... De last lap of de race.. CHIONG AR!!!
(12:13 AM)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
BreAk....Woah... soo mani birthdays goin on these few days.... takin a small break before charging towards the irritatable O's... Enjoyed myself with my coy of frds.. Life's nvr gonna realli be de same some 2-5 yrs lata?? so lets cherish de moments we haf... "Study hard, Play hard and Enjoy!!!" So yesterday we're eating at sakae... and then the trio decided to act gay.. hahak
First "gay" of da day.... Boony!
WE haf kianny as "gay" Number 2!!HAHAThinkindat de last "gay"wouldbemerightz??
True enuff!!!! hahk.....K la... studying stressful ark..... more stress equals more crap...PEace!!
(1:41 AM)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
gRRRRlOoking at my results juz made me wanna puke..... Though i haf improved my two weakeast subjects which is DnT and Maths... The improvement is nt great enuff... My strongest subjects like history and humans dropped 3 grades... Power ar?? BLOODY hell TargetEng-A2Maths-b4Chinese-b3Science-b4DnT-b4History-A2Humans-A2An agreggate score of about 16... NTH leSS!!! i can do it... STUDY!!!!!
(11:07 AM)