Thursday, August 31, 2006
SoRE tHROAt...Been quite sickly during these past few days, been busy with DnT...Fever, sore throat, headache and cough came back to haunt me... Anyway A THUMBS-UP to Mr Wong who accompanied most of de Dnt students at mac till one!!! hahak... It was simply a morale-booster cause he's presence make sure everyone of us dun slack..A teacher who will go de extra mile for students.... Even though i still cannot tahan and slept in de end... I feel dat i've let him down cuz during de earlier part of our DnT project, i actually thought of dropping it and my artefact sux too... wa liew... Folio oso din put enough effort.. Theory ar? cham liao la... Hope to get as much marks as possible as i possibly could get.. wth.. hahakHappy teacher's day TEACHERS!!!!Wishin all teachers whom have taught me before a joyous day ahead... Some are caring(wa... i gt a slight phobia of dis word now, kev and vince would understand) hahak. Some are strict, some are understanding....... Motivating, bring out de best in you and some are sacarstically cool.. hahz.... Teachers are people whom do their best to help us find de right path fer us..... Dey make sacrifices and spent time helping us, dats y thier salary is so high!!! haha... Cuz de effort dey put in is invaluable..... I will surely miss this memorable teachers who hav once taught me in my life!!!! Ok here are de list of teachers whom i hav great respect for!!!!P2= Mdm AnisahP3= Mr Eddy Ng (i'm still in contact with him)P4= Mdm Wahida P5= Mrs KarenP6= Mr Daniel, MRS WANG!!!! k... secondary schoold life nt over yet... next time den write... gd bye!!!!
(2:58 PM)
Sunday, August 27, 2006
FInallY I KNow De MEanINg.....HAMLETTo be, or not to be? That is the question—Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And, by opposing, end them?TrAnsLATedHAMLETThe question is: is it better to be alive or dead? Is it nobler to put up with all the nasty things that luck throws your way, or to fight against all those troubles by simply putting an end to them once and for all?
(7:36 PM)
Saturday, August 26, 2006
JoKE tIme!!!!
An old man goes to the Wizard to ask him if he can remove a curse he has been living with for the last 40 years. The Wizard says, "Maybe, but you will have to tell me the *exact* words that were used to put the curse on you." The old man says without hesitation, "I now pronounce you
man and wife."Blonde ExamA blonde reports for her university final exam, which consists of mainly true and false questions. She takes her seat in the examination hall, stares at the question paper for five minutes, and then in a fit of inspiration takes her purse out, removes a coin and starts tossing the coin and marking the answer sheet: true for heads and false for tails. Within 30 minutes she's all done, while the rest of the class is still working furiously. During the last few minutes, she is seen desperately throwing the coin, swearing and sweating. The moderator, alarmed, approaches her and asks what is happening. "I finished the exam in a half hour," she replies, "and as I have more time left, I'm rechecking my answers."
ANimal King oF thE WorldA gorilla, a lion and a chicken were talking in a zoo.The gorilla said, "When I was in the forest in the mountains and I roared, all the birds in the trees listened to me!"The lion said, "When I was in the jungle and I roared, all the animals listened to me!"The chicken said, "I only have to cough, now, and the entire world takes notice!”ProXy FAthER.....The Smiths had no children and decided to use a proxy father to start their family. On the day the proxy father was to arrive, Mr. Smith kissed his wife and said, "I'm off. The man should be here soon." Half an hour later, just by chance, a door-to-door baby photographer rang the doorbell, hoping to make a sale. "Good morning, madam. You don't know me but I've come to...""Oh, no need to explain. I've been expecting you," Mrs. Smith cut in."Really ?" the photographer asked. "Well, good! I've made a specialty of babies.""That's what my husband and I had hoped. Please come in and have a seat. Just where do we start?" asked Mrs. Smith, blushing. "Leave everything to me. I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the couch and perhaps a couple on the bed. Sometimes the living room floor is fun too; you can really spread out." "Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it didn't work for Harry and me." "Well, madam, none of us can guarantee a good one every time. But if we try several different positions and I shoot from six or seven angles, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results." "I hope we can get this over with quickly," gasped Mrs. Smith. "Madam, in my line of work, a man must take his time. I'd love to be in and out in five minutes, but you'd be disappointed with that, I'm sure." "Don't I know!" Mrs. Smith exclaimed. The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a portfolio of his baby pictures. "This was done on the top of a bus in downtown London." "Oh my god!!", Mrs. Smith exclaimed, tugging at her handkerchief. "And these twins turned out exceptionally well when you consider their mother was so difficult to work with." The photographer handed Mrs. Smith the picture. "She was difficult ?" asked Mrs. Smith. "Yes, I'm afraid so. I finally had to take her to Hyde Park to get the job done right. People were crowding around four and five deep, pushing to get a good look." "Four and five deep?" asked Mrs. Smith, eyes widened in amazement. "Yes," the photographer said. "And for more than three hours too. The mother was constantly squealing and yelling. I could hardly concentrate. Then darkness approached and I began to rush my shots. Finally, when the squirrels began nibbling on my equipment, I just packed it all in." Mrs. Smith leaned forward. "You mean they actually chewed on your, eh... equipment ?" "That's right. Well madam, if you're ready, I'll set up my tripod so that we can get to work." "Tripod?" Mrs. Smith looked extremely worried now. "Oh yes, I have to use a tripod to rest my Canon on. It's much too big for me to hold while I'm getting ready for action. Madam? Madam?... Good Lord, she's fainted!"
(6:55 PM)
Friday, August 25, 2006
Noooo rhYme Noooo ReaSoN
YeA.. as my title says, i hav decided to put this pictures for no rhyme or reason... mayb for the fun of it larx.... cuz now so bored cum tired cum lazy cum 'jia pa liao bo sai pang'.....
(6:34 PM)
Sunday, August 20, 2006
PosT.....See ThOSe Ppl at my tagboard... hahak... when i blog they dun wanna tag , when i nvr blog den they tag. FunNI pPl.... K, so here's another update...Yesterday went to watch Tokyo Drift, kinda similar to initial-D onli dat its in English... And oso hav hotter babes la... Den spent bout $15 plus, and now im left with e pathetic savings of 4 bucks!!! yea.. K la... Everybody working soo hard liaoz, gOt to work hard as well... Gonna play mahjong on COM!
(2:17 PM)
Saturday, August 19, 2006
BlOgg Wa, nt been blogging for A-G-E-G-S... kinda lazy, many things happened , oRal, bla bla... nTh so interestin, NtH So memorable, mY life's gettin more boring.... HaISH... Been doin maths, needa buck up on my graphs, angle properties, vectors and Forget wads dat called... tHESE shit caused me too fail.. hahak....K, can see dat mine blog is a bit dead cuz the person typing the blog now is soo bored... hah... NeEda Get A lIfE!!!
(10:37 PM)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
SiNGaPoRe's BiRtHdAy.....
So the concert and fair was over... the concert suxx seh, wasting time sia, except the last one wher the superstars sang... Den the host oso, wa.. nth to say lo, think karlong's betta... wait.. come to think of it, he's much worst.. nvm. The fair was quite a dissapointment too... duhhh.. wad is juyuan becoming?? I sense dat our juniors din realli put in alot of their effort in the celebration.. hahak.. Ok, and i took lots of fotos as well.. Njoy!!
Oh My... I wasn't ready yet...
Quite ready to disturb amirah... hahak
cAmErA-shY AH......
wEll... de best one so far... im actually more interested in spoiling fotos..
Classic 4E4 guys...
All hail de guys iN REd!!!! We all ARe iN rED.. hahAz
WadS dat??? whO CarES.. HAHA
Woo... ThiS onE is NICe... WiTh some of Our BELoved TEACHeRS tOO....
Alright, photo-taking can get pretty tiring...
*yawns.... Omg, did i juz touch somebody's thingy?
Tired already laz alisa... still take!!
Grrrrrr!!! BleAHzHaHakz.... guess wad.. Mr wong a.k.a wongy a.k.a ah wong a.k.a sarcastic wong knows my blog.... grr.. haha... Last time i gave him eugene tay's one den i tink he linked here.. Den he said my pictures sux, so teacher's day im gonna take photo of him den put it up here.. hahahaha... Den Mr Lee and Mr johairi oso start disturbin me, haha... they are especaiily interested in de one where i showed a middle finger and said dnt sux.. ahahaak... Im spending like 1/4 of my time in sch, 1/4 in dnt workshop,1/4 at home and 1/4 sleeping.. hahak... Hope to finish the artefact by next week ah... ar bo no time for folio.... (mr wong, do remember to tag) hahz
(4:07 PM)
Monday, August 07, 2006
National Day Hooray everyone, tml's national day eve... haha.... National day oso gt eve.. Yea.. gonna enjoy myself man... Last year as a student of juyuan enjoying the fair fer de last time.. sad sia...The food and fun fair has always been the occasion dat i look forward most to... Well, nt forgetting the unforgettable one with Miss Tan lay beng oso... HaHaKZ...WeLL To frds of mine who has been rather stressed out lately by social life, workload, preassure, stress or watever ass, haha.. Juz remember to 'relac' at least fer a day tml!!! hahaz... Its the nation's birthday, its everyone's birthday.. Congrajulations a CeLEbRAtIOn!!!Singapore= a country filled with ppl of different races, food, customs, traditions... Funnily enough i haved dreamt of being in a richer family or different sch, but neva in a different country because singapore Rox man!!!! Still gonna njoy plenty of years ahead, Ns, marraige, work.. haha... All in SInGaPOrE=A country im proud to be in... (Well, theres room for improvement though :~)
(8:57 PM)
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Wad A dAY......Woa.... zE alarm woke me up, 6.03am den i went back to sleep.... Skali dreaming dreaming, look at Ze time.. 6.54am.. woo lao... Decide to message Boony. Dat pig wassh even moss power... Said my message woke him up, so we met and was of course late and sit at the courtyard, studied my SS Sbq.... bla blaAnd den i was complaining bout my hair... Grr long and sucky to e core.... So me and yh appealed to Mrs Quek to let us off earlier to go cut our hair.. Surprisely she allowed us to and said she was proud of us cuz we wanna look gd.. hahazzz...We went to e gate, saw e1 and e2 , how i wish can stay and look wad 'stunts' they would come up with.. hahaz.. Skali the security lady stopped us, after abit of crapping, de lady in a very serious look tell yh, "boy ar ur zip"... hahahahaahz... i was laughin like "HAHAHHAAAAHA"So we went and cut, boony and wk was rushin us.. ahhhhh.... Den cycled ze bike as fast as i could ar, with yh at the stands... Skali ther mwas this big hump and yh knowing his weight still dunwanna get down.. haha.. 'PShhhhh'... gd... i ran with a pig taking the bike running behind.. hahaAnyway muz thank Mrs Claudia Quek deeply cuz she told other classes to go before mie class juz to wait fer e two of us.. haha.. Danial's surprise was oso a creative one.. ahahakz.... didnt hav e time to adjust my hair though.. haIz..(P.S I've disposed boon off his middle position) And i went WAHahhahaaahahahOpe ze pictures turns outz niceZ!!!!
(6:49 PM)