Monday, June 26, 2006
Ok i found out dat im always posting bout things dat happened yesterday.. hahz.. So mayb tml den i post today's stuffs.. haahaz...
ErH.. Yesterday went out with Xs, Boony, Kianny anD Yh... Went to shop around orchard, window-shop... See girls, bla bla...Firstly, we went to de Cineleisure, den i oso forget wadda happened.. hah... Den went Lido makan... Ok deres this BIG THING dat happened den i told so mani times, so dunwanna say liaoz haha... It involves Yehui and his 'eccentric' behaviour and actions. hahaz... Den we walked around and around AND AROUND. As i've said, go out with kian hao, at least 7 or 8 den can reach home... Skali yesterday he very kind, I 10 DEN REACHED HOME!!!! Grrrr....Xs and Yh wanna watch a horror film i tink, campus or smth like dat den somebody scared laz... Duno is who lo, den keep changing topics and feigning ignorance.. haha
And den we went to play arcade...3 DIFFERENT ARCADES, juz to feng pei boony.. He and his tekken 5... O LVLS LA, TEKKEN TEKKEN.. ahahaaaaa
Ok, so we went playin pool and den to SPOTLIGHT, oso duno y boony wanna go ther.. Den me and yh finally agreed on smth1) While kian hao likes Toys and stuffs like dat, Boon soom prefer carpets, bed sheets etc...
2) Boon soom wanna change image cuz school starting soon, wrapping himself with the bed-sheets
3) Lastly, Boon wanna emigrate to Arab.. haha. Well, he's got da oil
So here are some of da fotosss...
Look like A PERVETIC AH PEK trying to bully young 'innocent' rabbits....
Two Idoits doing Idoitic stuffs... haha.. wait!! theres a lady behind lookin.. GoSh
See.... So violent after he pai boon soom as shifu, no wonder his shifu face so angry.. haaz
(9:03 PM)
Saturday, June 24, 2006
WorLD CUp....wOA.. iTS 4 plus now and im watching world cup!!!! woohoo... watching the french vs togo match... First half was kinda tough and fustrating for the french side especially for trezeguet, he had some decent chances but didnt put them into da net.. Ribery is a very exciting young talent however in this match, he juz cant score?? hahz... Yesterday osos watched the brazil match... It was world class performance from the defending champions man... Especially from 'round ron' and 'toothy ron'... ahahahz.... So basically the big guns are in.. And im supporting ENGLAND and NETHERLANDS( holland). Argerntina, Spain, France, Germany and Brazil are playin gd football so far and i expect either of them to win the world cup!!! woooohooooTOday went to play pool with zheng ming and xiong sheng... Ya, obviously i didnt win with these two da ge's ther... Some matches were quite close to winning but.. HAIZ... haha... Had my first taste of billard, and i still find it kinda sucky compared to pool... Mayb nt used to it... mmm... NEEDA FINISHED MY HW BY TML!!!!!! gd bye!!!
(4:34 AM)
Friday, June 23, 2006
WaD a Day......DId ABIT of homework during noon-time, den went to tuition.. We are at electromagnectism!!! damn difficult chapter and many things to study.. Haiz.. Den went makan with boony. Skali vinny call us fer a game of mahjong. So dey came my hse and played, Wee kiat being the BIG winner--WON $5.20!!!! AND SOMEBODY 'ZHA HU' AGAIN!!!!!! Theres me, vinny, wee kiat and boony.. I cant possibly 'zha hu'.. And wee kiat being the big winnder oso won't zha hu ma... So theres two person to choose?? hahaz.. Anyway he was very gracious and onli a few moaning sounds were heard.. ahaahaDen afterdat we went to eat prata.... I tink i ordered wrongly den wee kiat had to paid eatra 40 cents.. ahahWOA!!!!!! TUNING TO indoneasia channel, malaysia channel has beeen such a hassle!!!! who wannaa watch world cup on com? onli dat its smaller den watever tv u hav.. hahz... NjoyING My WOrLd CUp matCHes!!!!
(3:05 AM)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Ahhhhh....Pearl ar.... if gt any more NICER skin help me change eh.. This one quite sucky loz. haha.. The car pattern make it more suitable for ppl like thong po!!! ahhhhh
(2:10 AM)
Friday, June 16, 2006
ZhA hU!!!! (14th june)Ok... HAHA... Since yehui mentioned it, i shall say it. hahaz.. The day before yesterday... We went playin CS... Den initially have 7 of us.. Skali at last left 4... Cuz karlong sleeping, eugen tay cant make it due to some Bloody reasons andddddd when we went to the billard room to eat, xs gt stuck at the pool table... HaIZ.. haha.... Play Cs, rather boring den invited yh and boony to come my hse for a game of mahjong.. Taught boony how to play, Yehui was kinda rusty too.... SKALI!!!!! he asked me gt 'qing fa', 'hong zhong' and 'bai ban' gt 'tai' anot.. i said yes.. Cuz realli is have each one, three of them gt 'tai' ma... skali when he game dat time he gt one of each den he tot can game... so 'zha hu' lo.. haha.. Anyway he zha hu quite happy de, very shuang kuai hand over de money.. hahaz...MahJoNg AGAIn..... (15 june)This tIME round, dere were more khakis.... Meaning more noise, more laughter, fun and more complaints from my mother AND NO ROOM for me to play... wth... hahaz... So began pestering wee kiat for the MU files bla bla.. Kinda pissed him off, sorry!!! Den zheng ming, shiyong boony and yh was starting an laughing epedemic... Mad ass four of them, boony say yh 'bla bla.... den boon started laughing untill de whole face bursting... Den every now and den, watever zheng ming say shiyong will go 'har har har har', laughin non-stop with a certain rhthym, den yehui will laugh at shiyong cuz of his rhythm, skali yh laugh oso gt rhythm den zheng ming laugh at yh.. A LAUGHING CYCLE EH? hahaz..BoXeR's LOsT anD foUnd......Well, basically my dog BOXER gt lost some days ago... DUNO how he manage to run out of my sister's bf hse anyway... AND Now he's safely back home!!!! woooo.... Aiya... can't upload the fotos... mayb NEXT TIME... SEE U!!!!! BOXER BOXER BOXER..
(9:09 PM)
Monday, June 12, 2006
LifE's.....Ok, life's kinda boring for me this few days... So went to do this tickle test la, frdster stuffss... haha....Lin, your signature color is Pink ChiffonThere's nothing saccharine about you — your sweetness is one hundred percent natural! A gentle, thoughtful romantic like you must be paired with a color that's soft and warm — but still has a subtle sophisticated sheen. That's why Pink Chiffon is the perfect color for you! You're probably known for making the most of every situation and trying to see the best in people. But while you may be cheerful and innocent at times, you're nobody's fool. You may see the world through rose-colored glasses, but you can still see, after all.While you make wise insights time after time, it's probably your good nature and perpetual optimism that are what you're known for and what make you a joy to be around. Even those who sometimes make fun of your Pollyanna-like proclamations will turn to you when they need a friend and some cheering up. So keep pink, Chiffon. With you around, the world's a better place!
Today, went to do Dnt.. actually tinking of finalising my second idea liao... Den Ah Wong go choose my 1st idea(development) den have to tink of design considerations alll again... PAK PAK.. nehmind, im behind schedule, dun realli tink i can finish.... I was tinking of neglecting DnT for awhile, continue doin at a slow pace ah, cuz dun realli wanna prioritize Dnt in my L1R4... Budden life had to put me into a make or break situation wher its kind of da last week for me to do Dnt.. Haiz... So its either i do or i flunked lo!!! Huat ar...
Tml tuition organic chem test in da morning and i haven study for it yet.... yea.. wish me gd luck.. SoRe eYes still not OK yet and its gonna get worst cuz tonight Nt sleeping early, tml need to wake up early, and den do DnT till 5pm.... Haizzzz...
Latest Summer's collection.... The new SORE EYES protector... plz contact mr-zhuge for more details.. *Gst not included
Some of the weird things dat happen when doin DnT...<------Do they have wad it takes to pee ther???
And dere was this guy who did DnT till his hair grew white.. Do LA DO SOMEMORE... hahaahaz...
CHAMPION WEIRDO OF DA DAY.......From wad i've heard, this guy went perming his hair and was halfway done when he suddenly rushed to the DNT workshop, thus de machine thingy on his head... yea...
(10:25 PM)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
StIll SOrE......
My sore eyes haven realli recovered... and so sadly i've spread to many out dere... soli!!!!! they include, claudia both my sisterss.. hahaz... And can i plz re-emphasize... SORE EYES cant be spreaded through lookin at one another through de eye... dumbos! u tink wad, ancient superstition ar.. haha.. This part is meant partly for THONG PO onli... den when he talkin to me, purposely avoid eye contact with me.. haiyaz... Sore eyes can onli be spread through like when i rub my eyes, den i touch an object, den the other person touch de object and rub his/her eye.. Its scientific-proven!!!!!! If sore eyes can be spreaded through eye contact, wouldnt dere be an sore-eye epidemic by now?? haiz... haha..
And ar, when ppl see dat i've sore eyes, dey will say i peep at girls... *my mum oso said dat.. duhhh.. If i wanna look at girls, peep for wad.. haha... juz kuang min zheng ta de look lo...
These few days, slacking slackin... doin dnt... have to start studying real soon..... although i said da same one week ago.. hahaz..
Z- your lovable
H-You have very good personality and looks.
I-You have a nice ass
L- You're so damn cute
I-You have a nice ass (wow two nice ass... i've gt a great ass i suppose? haha)
A- Your talkative
N-You have a BIG warm Heart
G-Love is something you deeply believe in.
Wa... i saw this kinda lame commercial, the 'da chan zin' ppl advertising de lockolocko tupperware.. freaking lame lo.. Y dun they use 'chan zin' and advertise some pad commercial and den say in order to cook well, must wear dat brand of pad.. Ok kinda gross... hahz..
(1:42 PM)
Thursday, June 08, 2006
BlOodIED sorE eYeS......Yesterday went to tuition, havin minor sore eyes.... kinda pain, den keep rubbing... By de time went out with XS, BOONY AND KIANNY to watch x-men... my eyes were red like ? jiayi? hahaz alreadyz.. Den go eat de 'xiao bei', soo spicy den agitated my eyes become even more reddish!! bloody.... Aiya, den de karlong ji siao siao, at first say too tired den after dat come and join us... We went to CS arcade, de two kids "kian and boon" went to play dunno wad game.. We saw one freaking tall guy, almost two heads taller den kian hao, tink he will upload de fotos in his blog soon... Xs went looking for his velcro and den KL told us bout his "wonderful experience" which includes 'close ur eyes, open ur mouth' bla bla.. haha.. His story damn funny de, den when xs tease him , he will defend himself and say 'my first time rightz'... ahahahaX-MEN 3!!!!! Its a fantastic movie, and i repeat FANTASTIC... haha... My expectations for movie very high de and x-men 3 is indeed interesting.. Firstly, deres a moral, gd ending... Secondly, it shows us dat 'gd men' may nt necessary stay alive to see their dreams come true... and Thirdly deres pretty girls!! hahaz... Halle berry with short hair, damn cool loz... Pretty much action and Longan, haha Logan was my favourite character, even though my sore eyes made me more like cyclops... Would intro my frds to go watch X-men!!!! much betta den over de hedge... Lameeee like hell.. haha.. see u guyz!!!!
(4:31 PM)
Monday, June 05, 2006
Tupid kianny, still say he won put de fotos.. hahaz.. i look decent in de foto sia, ok la.. dats me ma... ahhahha.. Wa, my goddes sit so close to me sia... WEEHOO
(10:22 PM)
Sunday, June 04, 2006
SwInGiN MooD?Ok... feeling much much betta now... yesterday can be said as one of the lowest moment of my life... actually its nt dat bad, a kind of unexplainable feeling .So yesterday i went soccer, nt bad... quite fun.. scored a few goals... almost overslept budden my sis waked me up.. hahz... I remembered gt one goal i scored at a very difficult angle and de other one is i turn 180degrees and den blast de goal at the bottom right corner.. ahahaah.... Den we met two indians, who wanted to join us, den we suggested wait for our captain who went to fetch his frd(and nvr came back) to come back first.. Den stupid cheng yong go tell de indian 'we waiting for our frd, he went to fetch his frd, mayb another five mins bla bla... Wa piang, tell so much fer wad, abit dumb oso.. nvm.... Den we played played went void deck play play...I LOST MY KEY... chicken backside...Den went to xiong sheng's house to seek shelter, fine we're gays... hahaz.. Den bathed dere, after soccer dun realli smell dat gd.. hahz... WA.. he rich jiu si rich, his parent's bathroom gt a fridge for putting those mostourising cream and make-up thingy... Den their soap oso expensive brand de, hahaz.. wad goat's milk bla bla.. haha.. Hav a machine-operated suana somemore.. cho cho cho... Den after went to his room, damn sianz.... Dats wen my mood go down DOwn DOWN... hahaz, his father tot i was him sia, den look closely den noticed i was nt... kinda pai seh cuz xs nt home.... After dat went home, is sian dao sian to death le.... OK , needa plan my holidays liaoz.. One last movie--->X-men 3 den must start studying lo, although i noe im nt dat disciplined.. hahaz...
(11:45 PM)
OmG....Erm... my tagboard's kinda polluted by som ppl's comment, or in fact juz one person... Think she too bored nth to do..... This few days was kinda boring fer me... pool, pool pool... make me broke... aiyaz... lata goin play pool again.. hahaz..Three words to describe my life... sian SIan SIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arrrr... somebody help me... Get me out of this sucky life...
(6:19 PM)
Friday, June 02, 2006
HaIzzzzzzz....................MEt WItH LOtSA problems lately.... problems which i realli need to rack my brains off... Haiz....
(7:00 PM)