Wednesday, May 31, 2006
PosT poSt POsT...Well.... obviously, some girl named alicia has came to disrupt my blog.. hahaz.. Thx for tagging.. 'Bad publicity is oso publicity'.. means my blog famous liao lo.. haha.... and i find it veri funny when ppl post vulguraties online, i mean even my grandma can do dat... haizzz...Ok.. Last few days hang out mostly with KL, his sis, Kev, boony, yh and some other guys lo.... Play pool, drink and merry around... like 'Tavern companions"... Hopefully by this week i will concentrate on studying... 4-5 more mths to de dreaded O's..... Anyway all the merrying around has make me broke, and theres kinda war goin on with my father at home... bloody pig... Like i very free to play with him, i onli asked him for more freedom cuz i've grown up, den he say 'im juz a little dog in his mind and im living and eating his money"... His vocab is so bad ar, choose to say 'little dog', might as well say monkey OOGA OOGA....Den phone bill throw to me lo.. ask me pay myself... *Tolerado.... dats juz pretty much my life, happening near O lvls which is such a PERFECT time.... Thx.. SeE yA gUys!!
(9:25 PM)
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Does your name begin with: ZYou are very romantic but show feels that to love means to suffer. You wind up serving your mate & attracting people who have unusual trouble. You see yourself as a lover's saviour.NOVEMBERHas a lot of ideasDifficult to fathom Thinks forwardUnique and brilliantExtraordinary ideasSharp thinking Fine and strong clairvoyanceCan become good doctorsCareful and cautiousDynamic in personalitySecretiveInquisitiveKnows how to dig secretsAlways thinkingLess talkative but amiableBrave and generousPatientStubborn and hard-heartedIf there is a will, there is a way DeterminedNever give upHardly become angry unless provokedLoves to be aloneThinks differently from othersSharp-mindedMotivates oneselfDoes not appreciates praisesHigh-spirited Well-built and toughDeep love and emotionsRomanticUncertain in relationshipsHomelyHardworkingHigh abilitiesTrustworthyHonest and keeps secretsNot able to control emotionsUnpredictable Sagittarius
Turn ons
Sagittarius is basically a happy go lucky kind. You can enjoy with their zest and enthusiasm in life. They can bubble with excitement that can be tangible at times. And if you share same interests and hobbies then life can be great fun together. They are frank and straightforward so if you want some truthful opinion about anything or anyone goes to them. Be optimistic as they are and view life as glass half full.
Turn offs
Sagittarius is fiercely independent and cannot tolerate restriction hence do not try to hold them back in life. Let them enjoy their freedom because if you hold any special place in their heart they will always come back for you. Do not feel irritated by the exaggeration in their speech. They may go on and on talking about certain things that may not even interest you but it is their way of trying to communicate with you. They are basically frank and outspoken (to the point of being rude) so do not feel offended by their talks.Hahaz... basically shld be quite true... next time free den do a in-depth analyis......
(11:31 PM)
oK, during the last post, due to some unforseen circumstances, i was able to or rather nt in de mood to upload fotos.... today gt mood.. hahaz.. ENjOy!!!
First model of de day... Lee WeiSheng!!!! presenting "red coke lounge" and OREO cheescake
Second model..... Royston Leong-borthday boy...
Third model.... oreo cheesecake-$4.80
The 6 MoDels.... FroM da ROsy chICs.... LoOk KiNdA wEiRD tHOuGh
(10:53 PM)
Monday, May 22, 2006
PasT fEW dAEs....... Ok! these past few days i have been like lazying around... Went out mostly with da 4e4 boys... Went to play counter-strike and pool with em... I think its on last friday, yupz... Den saw karlong's sister again, omg... U can't believe dat karlong actually have such a pretty sister, but as kevin has said laz, see long already abit sianz, which is quite true... hahaz... went home bout 12 plus on friday.....
Den on Sat, went to the literature seminar... it was quite gd, considering the professor walter has like red thousands of books and den he has too give his expert advice... hahaz.... Truely enough, theres alot of 'chio bus' at st nicholas but i wasn't realli looking for any because the main reason of the seminar was to LISTEN!!! Nt like some idoits who paid 12.50 to go ther and look for chio bus, funny isn't it... Den after de seminar went to play counter-strike with 4E4 guys!!!! Den it was like some of them took taxi to orchard from the RELC... Kinda lame though... Shows how lazy singaporeans child are today although nt all of them were.... Den they said the fare was onli 80 cents for one person... OF CUZ LA, the distance so near of cuz the meter is cheap la somemore divided by 4 person, even a big sum like 80 dollars divided by 20 person oso 4 dollars onli right... OK nt much link here... nevermind....
So we went to cineleisure the 9th floor den played CS, i tot dat 3.50 was like quite reasonable considering the flat-screen computers and the atmosphere.... ONli dat dere was abit of commotion while buying the tickets.... Den after de game, we spilted up, some went SIM LIM, some went home... I went to watch movie with my SOCCER BUDDIES.... We watched DA VINCI CODE... it was terribly good, hahaz... would reccommend to friends but its like u are nt missing anything if u dun watch the movie... haha.... Met like a 'samaritan', hahaz... this plump and kind lady who helped us... Actually i under 16 maz together with my another frd and den this gurl helped us to change tickets so we can get into the movie theatre.. yupz... And den this bloody trip to TAKASHIMAYA'S FISH & CO HAD TO SPOIL MY DAY.... duno whether it is legal anot to defame a company name, but da problem is im nt defaming them, i writing my thoughts and views on my experience as an consumer on dat particular branch so dat they can improve their service? yea rightz... sounds abit crappy....So we went to fish & co's at taka, fine, we were like late 9 plus.... de shop was half-closing.... Order our food, the waitresses even confirmed our order, so within like 15 mins , all de food was ther except for the seafood platter which my captain has ordered, and it was his birthday dat day-his treat laz.... Waitresses said last order on 10.30 and den asked we all to pay bill first as the shop is closing... Billl came 80 plus, actually we calculated 100 plus.... 15 more mins pass, seafood platter haven come, skali my captain check the receipt-NO SEAFOOD PLATTER.... sianz... the waitresses said 'im sorry, im sorry' den still can laugh.... NVM!!!! so we asked for tartar and chilli sauce, the same waitress said 'wait a min' 3 time when we waited for like 10mins.. So we asked another waitress , she came with de chilli sauce den went away... 'EXCUSE ME WHERES OUR TARTAR SAUCE??' ..... " SORRY ITS FINISHED...." wa. duno how to say beforehand ar.... pengz... DEN IN DE END MY CAPTAIN HAD TO GO BACK TO WEST CC MAC TO EAT WHEN HE HAS PAID $80 FOR A "NICE MEAL"..... Ok.... for readers who had come so far, i congrajulate u!!! cuz i feel i had typed alot.. hahaz... AND AS FOR TODAY... aiya.. dun feel like typing liaoz... see u guys!!!
(8:51 PM)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
ResUltSSIAnz, gt back my results... pretty much sucks... fail two subjects and they are dnt and maths which i rarely pass... Tinking of neglecting dnt to concentrate on other subjects... Its like i won realli use DnT in my L1R4 anyway... ok, back to maths.... nt realli surprising but a little more dissapointing den the other times, cuz i felt i could have done betta... TP gt 45... aiya... vomit blood... De worst was history la!!!!!!!!! dammit... C5 onli, wad de heck man wen i used to get B3... must go complain mdm lee liao la... Eng tink gt B4 den combined humanites not yet gotten back one of da papers... SCienCe ar, this time the papers like not alot of ppl do well ehz, i manage to pass borderline onli... Den was so shocked sia when zm said my maths and science flunk ( when its half true laz...). Maths bo bian la but science i gt study abit sia... so like dis loz.. hahaz.... Encouraging myself den MID-YR is nt realli my piority but is de Prelims and most imptly O LVLS!!! ok... gonna show u guys some fotos when a idoitic bunch of monkeys went out together...haha
ZL: Gt Birds!!!!KK: who cares.....
Boon: wher wher?
(In ur underwear....) hahaz... soo lame
fuLL of EMoTIoNS...
wad do u call tis??
and WadS tIS??? (Mainly contributed by wee kiat)
Couple... ehz no la.. they're gays... hahaz... FRDS laz!!
Im nt ready yet...
now they are nt ready!!!! duh...
Say NO to strangerz, especially when they look like the weird guy on my right.... haha
SEE... the weird guy is bullying my 'bro' now...
MiLk anYOnE??
OMG.. vinny comrade is down, up to xs and me to save the day!!!
GD things come to an end... WHOOSH!!! off to heaven...hahaz... took three days to edit my blog... Been busy goin out these few days... Gd lUCK gUys!!
(7:41 PM)
Saturday, May 13, 2006
OkaY... tokin boutcha memories today... Memories do play a big part in our lives, be it gd or bad , everyone of us sure haf memories.. hahaz.. wth... Well, almost no bad or unpleasant memories live together with me... Hahaz... Dats how i stay cheerful-lookin most of the time la.. haha.. If u feel bad or something bad has happened to u.... haiya, juz take it with a pinch of salt man.... If LIFE let u choose between gd memories/happiness and sad memories/unhappines? Wad would u choose? Me, of cuz the first one... Dats y sometimes i duno how to console ppl la... smths may even make them worst.. haha...Okay, today i have with me some fotos of me at AMERICA... Erh, my cousin updated it into her com and it took her 10 years to sent me? wad a joke.. haha.. Basically i went to Los Angeles, San Fransico and Las Vegas and plz dun say im rich, cuz dat was 10 years back, ok im quite rich back den... Now ar, nth to say... haha...
Ar, explosion... run for ur life!!!!! (Me-second from left)hey, wadda u doin dere?? run la....
Yea... snow... wads dat on my hands? some kind of socks i guess...
ARHHH... great white shark... omg dat dinosaur bottle, i still have it with mie.. haha
Hey.. watcha u lookin at?? (From left, me, my big aunt, lower- my cousin, upper-my second sis and my second aunt, my another cousin and den my mom and my eldest sis...)
Yea... the three of us rule da world!!!!!
Last foto of de day... cant u can see dat im freezing alreadyz??.. ~ ~ ~ ~
Well, de trip ther was definitely fun, cant remember much though... Onli remembered dat my dad wear juz t-shirt and shorts for much of his time ther.. hahaz... Till Den, GoOdByE!!!!
(9:17 PM)
Friday, May 12, 2006
Soccer....Erm, today went gym with wee kiat, vincent, xs, sy and zm... Den train train den go eat... Planned to play soccer and den watch movie with them and kian hao.... So went to play soccer first, it was raining quit heavily so abit sianz..Played at void deck den 5.15 went home.. den sibei sianz liaoz.. kev kk gx chow yh xs neva go.. aiya... changed my mind, went back to play soccer... Too tired to go out le laz, still need to freshen up bla bla.. Might as well tire myself further by playing soccer... Went to street soccer court, den played with a few small malay boys.. hahaz... Hav been cooping myself up too often this few weeks... Tampines mrt ther the chain of shops opened le i oso duno, street soccer court de gate changed to wall liaoz i oso duno.. haha.. Den skali some 'old boys' of juyuan came-malay ncc de, some i know but they duno me.. haha... Wan to try and beat them de first time i saw them, challenging man.. haha... So off the game starts, weiliang gt a little injury in his small toe ~ouh~.. So play play play, cheng yong tried afew long shots liaoz den skali he chip the keeper from our own half... hahaz.. goal man!!... We were like trying new formation, 3 defense one attack.... Nt realli working cuz defense jumbled up den attack nobody support.. Den i oso went for a long shot, the ball dip down 'woa' 'arrr' 'aiya' keeper saved... hahaz.. den we conceded one goal, mayb opponent too fast for 'somebody' liaoz... Our team was like quite confident can win... Skali came the killer goal FROM THE OPPONENT... bloody hell...i was marking guy A on the right side, den guy A passed to guy B, cheng yong cant tackle guy B, guy B pass to guy C.... guy C preparing to shoot, 'somebody' who was near guy C neva tackle him and drifted off to mark guy B.... I cant reached in time to tackle guy C and he scoredSo may i knock some sense to this 'somebody' who i blamed for conceding the second goal and in fact my whole team blamed, to use some common sense laz.... I dun give it a damn if he is unhappy with my comments all wad lo... Ok, so afterdat he blamed me for dat goal, fine i cant reached dere in time, but y on earth u go mark the another guy... So his excuse was dat guy C might pass to guy B, wa piang, u see guy C de leg already goin to shoot liao lo and i or cheng yong might reach guy B in time loz.... BLOODY HELL...anyway sorrie to vinny and co for nt turning up... The thought of soccer was juz too tempting
(10:45 PM)
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
HeLL.....ALright.... feW more days before hell is over... Took my Lit, Maths, History and some other papers which i hav obviously forgotten... sianz.. Lit should be quite ok except dat my sequencing gt smth wrong... mAths was as usual- meaning mayb F9 or E8 lo.. and history gt one essay nt realli sure... YuP... And in fact im goin down To the 18th lvl of hell cuz after mid-yr, o lvls-chinese is at 28th of may if i nt wrong and den still hav english orals for prelims... My tuition teacher oso said dat i must buck up during july (mo gui sheen lian) and while ppl are enjoying, he is sure dat we will nt be Njoying ourselves... DUH!!!! k la.. to change my maths to C5 B4 must persevere... hehex.. ExaMS period damn tired man... cuz my time mangement gt problem one... come home after school Sleep!! At night den study, make myself tired for no reason.. haha... Must chill out after exams.. yEa... Walked home after tuition, thought of many things..... How i wish deres someone to share my happiness, lameness, burdens and memories with mie... HaHA... Gd LuCK foR exAMsSSS.....(Ppl wish to go heaven, but no one wants to DIE) True?
(10:26 PM)
Saturday, May 06, 2006
SiANzZZZ.....Jia lat liao la.... took chem and ss paper yesterday... SS was quite alrightz, onli dat the last question i anyhow do.. I studied all the chapters loz, den the SEQ i can answer all the 3 options de one question.. sian man... Chem paper was quite easy!!!!! but i nvr study..... study abit nia... den aga aga do, tink will fail... but hope to pass laz... Still gt MCQ ma... dun realli hav the motivation to study, so mayb i will juz flunk my mid-yr.. omg..
(7:11 PM)