CHiNeSE PApEr..............
PeACeFUl NiGht*
u'll nEva KnOw iF u DUn TRy....
Fine Day.....................
MiE swinging mood..............
RiSing uP to The Challenge..........
Me and Vinny giving **** face. hahaz... vinny looked abit retarded though, jk....
*Yawns..... Now i'm de one looking retarded......
Well showing off their teeth, except me.. i wasnt ready..... sobz.... KKz.... Yesterday went to wanying's hse to celebrate wee kiat's bithday, quite fun.... den we ate pizza and took alot of photos... I wanted to take others photo den vinc keep posing himself to let mi take, so i juz closed my camera... hahaz, jk.... Quite breezy ther and nice atmosphere, onli dat we're feeding the mosquitos all de time untill wanyong came with the repellant, the smell reminded us of the OBS daes... i was thinking of mine too, nice memories indeed.. hahaz... i sat down on de swing and thought of some things den head abit gong so lie down on the slide.. After dat, me vinny and boony went to paradise prata shop, they ordered ice-cream and boony paper prata. I resisted myself and ordered two drinks, went home quite full though.... Dats all....
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
WOOhoo!!! dats 4e4 for u... and theres one extra guy ther on da left.. hahaz..(the one holding the rugby ball, ok stop grinning dats u) Realli miss my old hairstyle, my new one sux man.... of cuz in the centre of the foto u can see some perverts ther.
(This time is foto too big liao, so make a link and anyway thks Sam for bringing ur digi-cam on dat day although u took veri long to sent this fotos but without ur cam ther would'n be this fotos.. so THANK U )
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Ok, for those who duno, my dog's name is boxer!!! (my sis giv it to him cuz she said he look like a boxer) Duno oso.... Boxer's is actually bought by my sis and my sis' bf and its costs bout $1300. Its a westie breed- white highlander terrier..... And its family roots are actually very gd, the granddad was a duno wad champion in duno wad contest in australlia and boxer's mum is oso a winner of smth laz.. haha... I met boxer's sister, his sister was like three times bigger den him although they same age..... And my dog is veri perverted, hahaz... hyper-active and veri mischevious..... Looks cute though!!! Boxer's sitting on da sofa... ~cooly~
Giving dat pervetic look.... haha
Welcome boxer the singapore idol.....(nt tissue box la)
Covering his eyes... mayb abit shy... haha
My father put him into dat basket... He seems quite happy though
Monday, April 10, 2006
Aiya..... compos after compos, essays after essays, getting more and more demanding...... I guess dats sec4 life... I won hide away from it, shan't give up so soon, cuz i belive the worst is yet to come yet. As i emphasize again, a true warrior NEVA GIVE UP!!!! i must not let down my forefathers-skali he is zhugeliang ok!! hahaz.. Alright, i shall relate a incident dat happened in my history class tis afternoon. We went into the class, teacher giving a 'alright face', i ask her some question-related to history ok, she look at mie stared den turned back... My class was like 'wa, gd attitude'..... She teach teach, a few of the students asked her question, she oso stared at them den continued... 'WAD , WE EAT PO LI ZHANG DA DE AR?'.... nehmind, tolerate.... den ar, her teaching methods damn bagus de, she taught using powerpoints slides for 3 whole chapters den she print out this slides into sheets of papers for us, den go through them.... Den i was suggesting might as well put this slides into icconexion den we study ourself, but i quiet la, later she give the * face.... Kevin was commenting bout her "wa f*** face"... i was like, cant agree more man... Den ihsan and kokkian (surprisingly) shared a joke den made me laugh like mad... 'She' gave a essay question den ends with 'how far do u agree' den ihsan with his nerdy funny look said '10 metres'.. hahahaz... basket... den 'She' said thong po and company plz keep ur volume down or smth like dis, den kk said 'she' uniformed grp de, cuz she said thong po and company SEDIYA... lame sia the both of them...Tink shld delete this jokes part, cuz nt realli veri funny.. haha... Den 'she' very de prejudiced against me la, hand out notes den kei kei dunwan to giv me.... i was like nevermind... tink ur notes 'HEAVENLY NOTES AR'..... I score a A in history let her cry ar.. Juz hate tis kind of teachers, dunwanna accept others comments, oso duno hw she become HOD, so inexperienced... she tink her hair veri stylish ar, my broom nicer lo (ok, no personal comments, hahaz) I TINK DAT I CAN MAKE A BETTA TEACHER THEN HER LOZ.... RIGHTZ???????
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Frds are indeed the most impt people in my life other den my family..... Well, some are caring, thoughtful, helpful, irritatin, stucked-up, kayposss, handsome, pretty, ugly, tall, short, fat , skinny, fair, dark... and on and on... But without these people, im pretty sure the ah liang today wouldnt be de same.... Those happy memories- bbq, watching movies, shopping, chattin to them, playing soccer/badminton/swimming together and even walking and walking non-stop (no exact destination) down orchard road looking at pretty girls... hahaz.. Ther will oso be no quarrels, dog-fights, shouting vulguraties at one another, anti-ing them, gossiping at one another. So i give a BIG THUMBS UP TO ALL MY FRDS OUT THER..... u made who i am today APPlAUSE PLZ!!! In Sec 1 ther was ihsan yadiy, xiong sheng, wahub, amanda, cheryl and derrick.... Sec 2- daryl, chee leong, wee kiat, xiong sheng and derrick.... Sec 3- cheng yong, yehui, weilun,xiong sheng, boon soom and kian hao... THis year- boon soom, kian hao, claudia, valer, chee leong, wee kiat, vinny, pearllene, nuralif, ihsan, eugene tay, willy, kok kian, xiong sheng, kevin, karlong and guo xiang (And of cuz nt forgetting my soccer buddies!!-cheng yong, chung lim, royston, dalston, weisheng, wei liang, nicholas, norman, julian, ihsan and i believe thong po's cumin soon.) Basically im gd frds to everyone in my class and i feel dat my bond with my classmates is getting stronger and stronger, the class has gel alot since last year... Alot more initiative from several individuals although i tink we still can improve as a whole and put in more effort in class presentations and performance.. hahaz... like de recent international frdship day in which my class were clueless on wad to do, though i get to slack around but i feel that one shld be proud of their own class in order for others to respect the class.... There are of cuz some black sheeps in the class who dun appreciate wad others do for them. For example, they say 'this class sux bla bla', but they are oso in this class, so by sayin dat this class sux, they themselves oso sux right?? haha..... And oso on the 'big breakfast day', alot were complaining bout how 'boring' and 'budget' it would be.... TOK SO MUCH, HW COME I SEE THESE PPL WHO COMPLAIN EATING THE MOST?? haha... I've started to aprreciate all these ppl around me, especially frds, cuz actually at these age of our time, its supposed to be de most fun and enjoyable of our life. Wen we grow up and tink back 'oh 4e4, wad fun days we had back den....' and how we wish we can turn back the time.... I thus urge all my frds to stop all de bad feud they hav and aprreciate their frds!!!!! (Choices hav Consequences, we shld make the best of these Choices and nt Regret over them)-from the adam khoo's workshop and a little bit of editing by mie.... :)
Friday, April 07, 2006
Hahaz, dun get shocked by my title today, im gonna blog bout my hair (nt other thingss). Basically juz feel dat im veri lazy to wax or gel or spray or watever to my hair, pure laziness and also my hair is very hard to style... yep... So i juz let my hair grow and grow, sometimes look quite girly (yucks) and den untill veri veri long dat time- two words ~pure laziness~ to go to the barber.. ahahahz.. Will cut my hair soon. Today was quite a nice day for mie in sch, rather boring though... I oso juz found out that Mid-Year is cuming soon and i know it would be sooner den expected, 2 to 3 more weeks, gotta revise my work....... And ya, im gonna talk about another topic, dats KAYPOS..... I mean everyone is a kaypo especially girls, hahaz... But nt untill the state wen everything u do, the kaypo must noe... KPOing and Caring is simply two different things man, and wad do these KAYPOS get after they know wad happened to u? will they fly to heaven? rubbish, rightz but the KAYPO i am tokin in my post today is 'A GUY'. He kaypo still neva mind noe budden if he knows something bout u, den the next day,probably the whole sch will know (alright abit exaggerating) and THIS KAYPO I ASSUME HAS NTH BETTA TO DO DEN KAYPOING ON OTHER PPL'S STUFF... I D O I T !!!... ok i admit im a kaypo myself but at least i noe the limits.....hehe :)
AND TODAY'S BREAKFAST WAS GREAT!!!! SHOIK... THX TO MRS QUEK, VINC FOR VITASOY AND DANIAL FOR THOSE EXTRA INGREDIENTS... Of course oso to the sch who made this possible, hope they can do it more regularly.. hahaz... Hope the fotos oso turned out gd..
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Today was a rather boring dae... felt so tired, mayb after de soccer... played with cheng yong, chung lim and nicholas... rather fun. arhhh... After dat went for tuition, it was raining cats and dogs man plus some chickens, my father offered to drive me ther, haha.... I reached ther de earliest!!!! ahahahz.... tuition was alright, valer looks abit out of sort, boon soom was givin alot of ridiculous answers and claudia was as per normal. Such a boring dae for Mr Bryan Lin, and den finally i got my HandPhone, ahahaz.... My father bought it for mie... so gd arx... haha.. I LUV CHALLENGES-WINNERS WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO SUCCEED
Monday, April 03, 2006
Duno y but feelin veri happy today... betta den feeling sad or ANGRY rightz....But actually sad dun realli exist in my dictionary,ahahahaz. Now chatting on msn seems so much fun to me, felt dat i matured quite a considerably bit and sometimes engaged in rather matured conversations with my frds. Sometimes fun conversations, hahaz.... Sch was as per normal, lookin forward to looking at somebody. Maths lesson was quite alright, understood the stretching part thx to najihah (sori if i spelt wrongly). And aiya wasted, my father today wanna buy phone for mie, skali i forget to give him my ez-link card cuz wanna sign up for the student plan, but shld be able to get it by this week. First time i feel dat my father cares, hahaz....Must appreciate them eh, for the little things they do to u. Next time he scold me, mayb i will smile and say "thank u DAD! I SIMPLY APPRECIATE DAT!!!, WAD ABOUT OFFERING U TO BEAT ME? OH CMON! U CAN DO BETTA....."hahaz :)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Well, my second post for today, im gonna share some of the impt things i've learnt during the adam khoo's course. Basically juz some quotes, "The difference between a loser and a leader is dat- losers make excuses, blame everyone except themselves and always complain, but a leader will do whatever it takes for them to suceed and they give 100% percent in whatever they do", "For things to change, We must change 1st", "Nobody can make us feel bad except oursleves", "How u carry out urself, Ur posture, breathing, facial expression, voice tone and ur movements." Lastly, a rather crappy one - "If ppl say u're lazy, say to them im not, i just happened to be motivationally changed". Hahaz... of cuz these are nt all the things dat i learnt in the adam khoo's course, dat would be sad wouldn't it, hahaz.... these are juz stuffs dat i find meaningful and wanna share it with ppl out ther....Alright hav a nice dae peeps!!!
( And ppl, if u notice my words are veri colourful and the colour crashes? well, i hav bad colour sense, haha)
Warrior-ZhuGe LianG
Alright, this guy here is basically my idol-Mr ZhuGeLiang. His a damn smart guy and an impt asset to LiuBei-his master. Most Imptly to a great warrior- they neva say die no matter how hard the situation is, they juz think of other ways to get out of it. Yea... wanna be like Zhuge liang, hope they didnt do maths back den, hahaz....
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Alrightz, today was quite a normal day, and a normal means a great day for mie(betta den having abnormal daes)... Morning was quite boring, i woke up at 8 plus den went around disturbing my dog and sis...... wanted to fart at my sis face, hahaz, but realise dat was rather childish... so played with my dog and den my father came back with breakfast... Awesome!... After dat afternoon went for soccer, it was more awesome den breakfast man, except it kinda rain so we haf to go void deck to play. I was kinda on-form man... hahaz... score 5 goals in one of the matches and the opponents were nt realli lousy... And congratz to Ngo Chung Lim, he scored i tink 3 or 4 own-goals, record man.... Felt great to be playin soccer at a regular basis, its been 3 weeks consecutively if i nt wrong. Of cuz i wont neglect my stuides, did abit of dnt before soccer. And the last match was the most excitin, everybody was like so hot, den i scored a few goals and the last goal was like alot of controversy on it... Cuz i charge to attack den cheng yong backslide me, i like barge through den escape his slide but stepped his leg on de way before curling the ball in with my left foot.... So he was like 'u stepped my leg eh', so the goal nt counted but den i said 'u tackle me den u injured nt realli my fault wad'... At last we went home laz, cuz too tired... hahaz... and must tok bout Thong Po... he had quite a terrific match, not much mistakes and defended realli well.hahaz... and welcome nicholas back, its like years since he last played.... den i kept calling him norman(which is his brothers name).. hahaz... after soccer went home, having some cramps, but already used to it... and nth much to blog about le lo... bub bye!