Friday, March 31, 2006
Past Four Days........
Alright, monday to wednesday was da adam khoo's course. It was definitely gd, would recommend it to frds and my PARENTS..... It not onli teaches bout educational tips but alot others such as never mess around with a BaPok!! Real life experience dat is soo true dat make me laugh untill ~gong~... Our trainer was Gary a.k.a Master Trainer and Amin a.k.a Minah. They used laughter to teach and everything dat they said had some motive or reason behind it.I was realli amazed by the intelligence of both trainers, nt goin to elaborate cuz it would take years..... Gary shared with us wad he dreamt of and i began to realise dat things dun realli look as easy as Gary makes out to be, his jokes can realli make one SHYT and the person will proudly say I SHITTED(one of his jokes). However, he shows to be a sentimental person and he says dat HATRED originates from de word LOVE which i find quite true... Den he started to shout and hit our soft spot (wad my tution teacher claims) with his speech and i find it quite a hypnotising thingy when he told us about the 'open de door,imagine theres a mirror inside'.... I broke down wen i heard bout de mum dad and the person closest to u, which is my grandma.... My situation is bout de same as gary's, our grandma being the closest to us and is definitely the most impt person in mie life. Of cuz i won wan dat my grandma died a few daes before my 20th birthday...."Everybody will hav go sooner or later...' I've learnt to aprreciate the ppl closest to mie betta. One thing was dat the 5n students was contributing alot to the noise pollution, especially the guys and i felt dat the course would be a whole lot more pleasant without them. All the three days i was pretty shagged and yesterday was nadfa and tuition, can die man..... Hope i do well for mie chem test as my answers were alot different from valer's one..... Hope i can now save my energy up and save it for some other more meaningful things like love? hahaz... KAMATEI!
(9:08 PM)
Sunday, March 26, 2006
SonGzzz-Quando Quando quando.......Marvellous song.... kev sent it to me and theres two version, one with onli micheal buble and another micheal buble with nelly ronaldo, eh furtado... hahaz... The song is veri romantic and the two of them, their voice matches veri well, this song seems quite old liaoz but i like old songs especially tis one , sweet child o mine, accidentally in love, Roses by Outkast, 1985, Puff the magic dragon, Love Me by colin faye and alot more other songs.... this songs neva fail to mesmerise me and cheer me up.. woohoo... thx kev for quando quando quando, though i duno wads de meaning. Its a Marvolous song... To peeps out ther, listening to songs can juz make or break ur day, choose several songs dat suits u and go Ga gA oVEr Dem!!! SonGzzz
(11:30 PM)
Saturday, March 25, 2006
FaTzzz........Today actually thinking of burning off some FaTzzz and train fitter, skali i tink no change.Went swimming and soccer. Swimming with vinny, chee leong, freemen and weekiat, quite fun saw a ~couple there~, quite surprising couple cause guy and women stead will go swimming de meh? so like kuai. Hahaz. Den after dat went walk walk at Tm with the swimming gang den i go starbucks meet my soccer frds, left 2 bucks, nth to buy at ther so *kop my frd's drinks. The Mocha with Hazelnut is realli nice-7 bucks, thats like the Norm dere... hahaz.... went for soccer, today at least played better, scored a goal and i injured like two person when scoring dat goal-so sorry.... One is the keeper charge out den my foot hit his face or smth like dat den the ball bounce out, i went fer a volley den the defender come and block me den i hit his stomach ~ouh~, fortunately nth happened to me den i happy happy go celebrate skali i turned back see dat two guys "ouh pain", den i so pai seh sia... hahaz.. after dat my soccer buddies went void deck, nt so happy playin ther because gt THONG PO ther, make the numbers uneven 4 vs 5. Den i kept pushin ppl and played like a mad ass. hahaz. anyway back to my title FaTzzz, wanna noe y i never manage to cut down on my fats? cuz after swimming i ate long john den after soccer i ate mac, so i tink will make me even fatter loz... basket... Dats more or less for today's entry and as quoted from valerie 'for those who find doin hw a bore, do those that interests u first'...
(11:54 PM)
Friday, March 24, 2006
Mid-Year's CuMiN.....Time realli flies.... TA juz over den mid-year approaching so fast, and juz a few more months prelims and olvl's... aiyaz... Tomolo goin swimmin, hope to relax awhile before goin out study with my soccer budds-- tokin bout my soccer buddies, u tink they are juz slackerz rightz?well, other den cheng yong , the rest aren't.One is from Ngee an, another Dunman and one more at East Spring, all so hardworking and their maths so bagus. The subjects im afriad for my exams are maths and science, well, they are considered to be one of the few impt subjects if i want to go poly and get into the course i wan. Mdm Teng's teaching nt helping much, Jerome cannot teach me everything cuz my sec 3 foundation sux. Mrs Suganda's lesson getting more and more Zzzzz... other subjects shld be no prob if i put in de effort la.. Wish every peeps out ther to score well in their o lvl's and get into the course they wan..Gd LUcK
(11:04 PM)
Thursday, March 23, 2006
SaDdEd......Hmm... still suffering from cramps. Next time pe must do warm-up man, veri long already sia tis cramps.ScH was alright, that relief teacher dat came in was great, interesting guy and he kinda understand how students feel-Mr Shaiful if im nt wrong. Ex-student of junyuan, quite a cool guy. His results for maths and science so 'power' but as my tuition teacher says, standards hav increased alot. Which means dere will be more stress on the future students unless we grow stupier?? k.... was late for tuition, haha, need to hav betta time management next time... learnt new stuffs in tuition, samples dat mrs quek neva showed us before 'christmas tree'. ~cool~ went home, heng tis time the bus come early, if nt!!!!! After dat, had a talk with somebody, nt realli a talk cuz she was like pouring out her feelings and i realli duno wad to reply her. Dunoo y i become like dis, now i slacking in front of com, wan do hw oso sianx... anyway 4e4 peeps remember to bring the health booklet tomolo!!!!
(9:39 PM)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
(11:31 PM)
TiRInG DaE.....Today had 2.4, i actually felt better running in the morning with an empty stomach but felt so much like shitting and den the rest of de dae damn tired... but got 13s plus... hahaz.. Lessons were quite ok and maths was as sucky as usual. Later had assembly, mrs oh had a talk and she showed us the results of our TA bla bla... rather interesting, nt like other principals so old-fashioned.. but mrs oh nt dat gd either. hahaz. AFTER DAT, miraculously i played soccer with some 'guai kia'---->kok kian, guo xiang, eugene tay played for awhile,guo yan and kevin. Played with a sec 1 team. Although we were playin quite well but they scored 2 goals den after dat a sec 3 joined us and i scored two goals back, that sec 3 scored one more after all tired like hell den lost 4-3... :( i played so sucky, in uniform somemore.pengz..... Den tuition, actually the electricity dat part is like link here link ther de den jerome oso taught us the easier defnitation of some stuffs... After dat bloody hell, i waited for bus 293 for 30min plus !!!!! idoit, reach home at 9!!!!! tink i walked can faster... fed up.. ok dats all!!!
(10:01 PM)
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sch...ToDAy was quite an ok day for mie...... felt great to be in sch, see all my frds and bla bla.... then dat mrs oh oso "very gd", early in the morning start her "chanting" session liaoz.... after dat i tried my best to stay awake for mdm teng's class, understood a little bit bout rotation. Den nth interesting happened laz... Quite an boring entry for today, anyway we gt back our chem results, i gt 17, quite ok with dat result.... ya... juz feel dat i need to be more "Focuso" and get more solid results.. see ya peeps!
(8:56 PM)
Sunday, March 19, 2006
OH oh ItS dE O's......SiAnz man this year o lvls.... somemore i gt alot of preassure from those ADULTS, tink they so smart ask them go study themselves lo. my mum cursing me into goin ITE, grandma say if i dunwan study go army lo... so crappy man this adults. Who gives it a damn? i noe wad i wan and wad im goin to do.But suddenly gt alot of distractions and my maths keep failin!!!! arrr... must be more focused, let mi make a new spell ~FOCUSO~.... Shall prove to these adults lo, anyway thats their motive.... so wish me gd luck la... hahaz...I have let down someone, a person who is very special to me... however i promised after everything has stablilised i will go after her..... I PROMISED- my ding ding dong
(8:23 PM)
SHaGgEd......Yesterday went to play soccer.... sianx ar... so long nvr play den play like shyt liaoz. First match we practise den score bout 10 goals but den when playin the "serious" match we lost... den second time we played oso lose... aiyoz... anyway both goals conceded was my mistake, wahahaha. Saw alot of ex-juyuan students ther. After dat went slacking with kianny and boony, i was having cramps here and there, den we all go makan shop shop makan... thats all la... :)
(12:03 PM)
Friday, March 17, 2006
Boring bOOring.....SEC 4 life sux.... tomolo playin soccer and goin out with boon soom and kian hao... Hope it will be a much BETTER day.....
(9:15 PM)
Yesterday was like another boring day, tuition, study and slacking around with mie frds, I was like 1 mth neva go shopping liao ar.... mad liaoz... yesterday tuition was quite fun den learnt probability, nt bad laz-all gambling stuffs.Den went my soccer frd hse....soo bored... after dat at night wan to meet 'somebody', chat awhile den went off.... (Anyone wan go shopping with mie?? and i meant SHOPPING) Any comments on my blog plz tag on the tagboard(of cuz), and my blog kinda sux... so plz bear with it... haha
(3:52 PM)